I am closely monitoring the advice being given by the health authorities, and will be following all advice given as it is released. The current advice is that there is no need to change our services at this point, so all sessions will be going ahead as scheduled.
The safety of families, staff and the community continues to be our first priority. The risks in Victoria of contracting COVID-19 remain low, but the risk of increased person-to-person transmission continues to increase.
As person-to-person transmission does increase, we need to ensure we are operating in a way to keep people as safe as possible and to reduce the rate of spread in our and the wider community, while enabling chiropractic appointments to continue.
As a health service, we follow a high standard of hygiene practices every day that will assist with preventing the spread: ​
Washing hands or using alcohol based hand sanitiser before and after every appointment.
Wiping down surfaces in our clinic rooms between every appointment.
Wiping down surfaces in the waiting room at the end of each day.
In addition to this, we have introduced the following:
Removal of all toys and games from our waiting area.
Increased distance between chairs in our waiting area.
If you have travelled internationally or are in close contact with someone who has travelled internationally, we request that you follow the guidelines and recommendations set by the Department of Health and self-exclude if you have returned to Australia from overseas within the last 14 days.
Thank you for your ongoing support in these times.